A Sample Application Using Akka Cluster: Libanius, the Quiz

Posted by James McCabe on December 02, 2019 · 8 mins read

Let’s describe a sample Akka application. The Libanius Scala library holds an immutable Quiz class with associated functionality. A Web UI accesses it on behalf of users via Akka.

The quiz is originally read from a file, but then each user has his own version of it. Each user is assigned an actor which holds the quiz for him, updates it according to his performance, and serves quiz items according to that performance. The actor class is descriptively called QuizForUserActor. It starts like this:

class QuizForUserActor(quiz: Quiz) extends PersistentActor {

  private var state = QuizState(quiz)

Notice that, whereas a regular Akka actor would just extend Actor, this one extends PersistentActor. That’s because the quiz state needs to be saved to disk. Akka Persistence provides support for this. However, it is not a relational database. The persistence paradigm is called Event Sourcing and it means that changes to state are stored in a log and then replayed whenever the latest state needs to be “recovered”. This sounds like recovery could take a long time if a million events have occurred, but it’s ok to cheat and take snapshots of the state from time to time so that recovery only needs to proceed from those snapshots.

Back to the code. A typical Akka actor will have a method called receive where it gets messages and acts on them. For persistent actors, the method is called receiveCommand. The core of it looks like this:

  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
    case ScoreSoFar(_) =>
      sender() !  state.quiz.scoreSoFar
    case ProduceQuizItem(_) =>
      sender() ! produceQuizItem(state.quiz)  

This code is within QuizForUserActor and is pretty self-explanatory. If the UI sends a ScoreSoFar message to QuizForUserActor, then it calls the scoreSoFar function on the quiz object and sends back the result. If the UI needs a new quiz item, it will send a ProduceQuizItem message to QuizForUserActor, and again the actor will pass on the call to a function to get a result.

There are also messages that change quiz state, and these are converted to events which are stored via calls to the Akka Persistence API, so that they can be replayed as necessary.

Akka Persistence is just one of the many extensions to Akka that exist. Another is called Akka Cluster Sharding and this pertains to the topic of this blog: scalability. For a single-user quiz you might not bother with Akka at all, but if you have millions of users and actors for each one, those actors will likely be stored on multiple servers – probably in “the cloud”. Keeping track of all that distributed functionality is a hard problem, so you are going to end up relying on some piece of third-party clustering software. Of course I recommend Akka Cluster Sharding, so let’s see how to use it.

The core of the code looks like this:

import akka.cluster.sharding.{ClusterSharding, ClusterShardingSettings, ShardRegion}

object QuizForUserSharding {

  def startQuizForUserSharding(system: ActorSystem, quiz: Quiz): ActorRef = {
      typeName = "QuizForUser",
      entityProps = Props(new QuizForUserActor(quiz)),
      settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
      extractEntityId = extractEntityId,
      extractShardId = extractShardId

The first thing you will notice in this code is the call to instantiate a QuizForUserActor. That’s the entity that the clustering system is taking command of. Then there’s a reference to some settings, and then two callbacks: extractEntityId and extractShardId.

  val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
    case qc: QuizMessage => (qc.userId.toString, qc)

Remember ScoreSoFar(_) and ProduceQuizItem(_)? Those are types of QuizMessage. If you wondered what the _ was, it’s a placeholder for the userId which every message must carry. The userId is not actually used within QuizForUserActor, but it’s picked up by the clustering framework to identify actors. What happens is that when a user first appears in the system, the server (Akka Http) assigns a unique userId to him, and stores it in a cookie on the front-end. When the user makes a request, this is modelled as a QuizMessage including the userId. Let’s assume Akka Http has already started up cluster sharding using this call:

val quizForUserShardRegion = QuizForUserSharding.startQuizForUserSharding(system, quiz)

quizForUserShardRegion is an actor. Now on a user request, Akka Http will send on the message to it like this:

quizForUserShardRegion ? ProduceQuizItem(userId)

The ? stands for ask, meaning a result is expected. That result needs to be extracted, so the full call is actually:

 (quizForUserShardRegion ? ProduceQuizItem(userId)).mapTo[Option[QuizItemViewWithChoices]]

When the quizForUserShardRegion actor gets the ProduceQuizItem message, it looks for an actor with the given userId: if it doesn’t exist, it creates it and manages it from then on.

Don’t forget there was a second callback in startQuizForUserSharding called extractShardId. A shard is a subgroup of entities (where QuizForUserActor is a typical entity), and multiple shards are called a shard region. Each shard region has a shard region actor, which is a local proxy on a particular node, and all the shard regions are managed by a singleton actor called the shard coordinator. How many entities should be in a shard? You may need to test performance to determine the optimal number. Since several entities may share the same shard ID, this kind of logic goes in the extractShardId method.

Anyway, you can see there is a lot of work going on in the background to locate actors on various nodes, and balance load, and keep track of node health, and that is what Akka Clustering is doing for you. To take a closer look at the code, start with the QuizForUserActor class in the libanius-akka project, and the QuizForUserSharding object in the libanius-scalajs-react-akka project.